[四格漫畫] 要躲懶的話便乾脆消失吧

夏天到了, 天氣超悶熱的! 一大堆的事情等著我去做, 可我什麼都不想做!「要躲懶的話便乾脆消失吧!」這是我跟自已說的...可不怎管用就是了...

It's SUMMER now, it's so hot! A lot of works are waiting for me, but I just don't wanna do any! "If you wanna be lazy, just disappear then!" That's what I told myself...but it doesn't work...

Mr. Bear :"What's that?"
Sheep:"I'm shunning work~"

Sheep:"If I'm lazier, my colour will become lighter..."

Sheep:"And then..."

Sheep:"I'll disappear..."

(*Be a good kid, don't be lazy!)

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